as its so nice outside, im helping you all keep the temptation of sitting indoors on the computer to a minimum by not posting so many unmissable creativity reports and interesting nuggets of poetry and stuff on my blog "the journey of cosmic images". (translation: 'im way too busy either surfing, sunbathing or bbq'ing between working to even think about blogging!!')
so just a quickie, then its back to stubby beers and charcoal sausages..
a new blog called
WE ARE NOT SAVING LIVES, dedicated to art and design, has just given me a heads-up.. the wonderful Cal who writes it, has done a mini article on little ol' me. cheers cal!
have a read (and def one for a bookmarking!)..
click here!
meanwhile.. i have been busying myself with some new projects [ which will be unveiled on here soon!! ] and running the day-to-day art and design solutions machine which is cosmic images to keep the bank manager happy.
more soon, enjoy the sun!