Halzephron Herb Farm shop, Falmouth called me up in January to come up with something to go with their winter display.
I drew the perfect Cornish sanctuary through these cold spells: a lit, real fire hearth with a mantlepiece to match the woodwork inside the shop complete with ornamental ducks, candlesticks, a clock and, if you look, there are jars of Halzephron sauces in the drawing too.
There is no reason to suffer! This shop has what you need to bust those winter chills. Go there, see Helen or Micheal, try some of the sauces waiting for you on the warmers, and hook yourself up with the herb magic!
Just being in this shop makes you feel better. Walking out, it feels like you have bouncier soles in your shoes! -Haha That sounds strange, but try it!
Thanks Cosmic, Michael and I love the fireplace. It makes me feel warmer just looking at it, really brightens up the shop window on these cold days.
Thanks for your support, H? ;) x C
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