I delivered a Drawingonthings Workshop at the school on 29th Feb, which was a really hot and sunny day. Put together by Barnardo's, the aim of the workshop was to encourage positivity within the group.
There was a lot of interest in using the materials I had brought along: spray paint and paint pens and recycled skateboards as canvases. The whole group worked from initial resignations of not being able to paint or draw (with statements such as "I can't do this!") to finally enjoying the process and creating some very powerful art for them each to keep.
They made some great artwork in the end. Then, as we were packing up headmistress Sue Tysall passed by and the young people (unprompted) asked her if I could paint on a wall somewhere in the school for them! She said "Yes! That one... You had better ask Cosmic though!" I said I would if they helped me, and we got straight to work.

In the end it was me who helped them! The content, words and images are genuinely their idea and there is a lot of meaning packed into this relatively simple looking image. All colouring is their work. The enthusiasm generated to make this piece was very powerful stuff indeed! Good work!
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