Using communication to bring about positive change is also something that my Drawingonthings Workshops are known for. Which is why LINk in Cornwall thought it would be a good idea to have me run a drop-in workshop in Truro City centre as a feature of their celebration event called Watch Your Health, last Thurdsay.

A highly creative day followed, filled with discussion on the topic, and some awesome pieces of work were created!

But the best bit...
All the work returns to the donors of the "canvases" (many of whom were there on the day) and will be displayed in their offices, surgeries, etc. This was an important part of this workshop as it showed that the young peoples' opinions are highly regarded, as is their art!

LINk in Cornwall's website:
love the picture of the boys! They really enjoyed spray painting.. thanks for giving them the opportunity.
:) Thanks Katie! You're welcome. Glad you all enjoyed the day and that you found my website!
Best, Cosmic
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