27 April 2009


imagine a world without paint.

liquid colour available to apply to anything at any time.

if it was just an idea,to have a colour in a tin or a can and the transformative
qualities could be utilized by pouring or spraying, would it be a laughable concept?

answers on a postcard.

25 April 2009

my kitchen sofa

things are starting to move about on their own accord, or so it would seem, just so they don't get drawn on. the kitchen sofa was one of the slowest movers and got a new design all of its own.
cosmic images

POETRY SATURDAY: too long until then

too long until then

i cant wait that long,

i don't even know why i thought i could.

i am a stupid fool!

you are a stupid fool! i shout to myself silently inside.

no one can hear me. no one can see me.

they could see me.

if they only looked.

there will be a lot happening between then and now.

a steady stream of tired events happening one


the other



too long until then

i cant wait that long,

i don't even know why i thought i could.

 2009 cosmic

cosmic images