28 January 2009

poetry wednesday

giant tra=cks

i take small steps and savor,
the good taste of the wine,
of summer nights with roman vines,
can i get a ticket to new amsterdam?

two strange coins in a tired pocket,
i ask the guard for a signal,
to which i gave him my laundry ticket,
and told him,
"thats the one you want!".

there are arrows passing by,
and im in no hurry to buy now,
so, i greet the first person,
with a well earned smile,
and hand over one of my coins.

reflections are clearer in the dark,
learned are the fictitious,
and scarse are the many. so,
i bleed, and know that by bleeding,
i hear the morning call,
to which the very last coin,
was forged.

copyright cosmic 2009

26 January 2009


the freudians will love this one. it's an illustration of the story repunzel. i created last saturday at college as part of my art therapy foundation course.

23 January 2009

poetry friday

i haven't sat here long,
yet everything stops for me.
there are trees and,
there are cars,
i choose to focus on them.

i choose also to focus on my feet,
and i can feel the wooden,
floor beneath.

for everything i need to do,
i hold silence and guild,
from way beneath the path of many,
an iron will,
in the strength of few.

a truck goes past,
and my busy day,
comes back with it,
into view.

copyright cosmic 2009

22 January 2009

so they want t-shirts. no problem?

easy, you'd think. got design. find a printer and print it. 
no way! getting a printer to print what you want is almost impossible and for years i have been bored into turning back to my drawing board (you see what i did there) time and time again with claims that "that image wont print using screen printing" etc.
lately i have had quite a few requests about tee-shirt designs and have done a bit of research. mostly resulting a disapointed meeting with someone who finds the whole process too taxing at its most basic form to ever consider wasting effort to push any boundaries. then, today i met will.
a total self-confessed screen geek, with a cool nature and bags of style, will gets his results no matter what the obstacles. so he's our man.  the design was pulled from the ideas the yoof design team 'the cosmic 5'  on friday, and will be ready to buy on shirts at the gig on the 14th.
rock n roll highschool!

21 January 2009

empowerment. how to put a gig on

the hitchcock rules band, press play promotions and yours truly (me) have been helping young people to set up a big gig where they can earn cash and experience by promoting, organizing, selling tickets, booking bands, contacting press, ticket, t-shirt and poster design and much more including logo design, the band's image and photo shoots.

i ran the illustration and design workshop where 5 very cool, inspired and talented 'yoofs' came up with concepts, logos, styles, illustrations and design strategies for the gig AND the headlining band.. in just one day! they called themselves 'the cosmic 5 design agency'.  i am very proud of the quality and amount of ideas and sketches they came up with. (queue small tear..)

the gig is on 12 feb in falmouth, see posters and press for details.

15 January 2009

weeeell ya heard aboout the bostonn!..

got a bit of a secret gig tomorrow night, in a secret location. its a bit of a stones shaped jam session. 
had a run through with the other musicians today.
cant wait for the gig now. very excited.

12 January 2009

input v output

input v output

i've got something,
that will make you hay,
but don't take my sunshine,
as i'm gonna need it,
..to make your hay.

i can bake you bread,
even if your grain is course,
but i won't kneed it,
..that ain't okay.

i can grow you corn,
biggest ears for miles,
satisfaction by the tonne,
combined with none.

copyright 2009 cosmic

09 January 2009

i dont always draw my hands

i don't always draw my hands
perhaps i should
as it puts me into a 
state of mind
i don't know what treasures
ill find

the long corridor
so far away
calls me and somewhere
i see where we call
to each other

in the vacuum of space
our desires symbolize
life's simple pleasures
in front of our
wide open
primate eye

knocking about the universe
like a run-away bride
we cackle at the keeper
and haunt him
in his hard boots

shut out any darkness
that might let any care
or hold stronger than
the course of our 
distant memories

fucking chancers
on a lump of wet rock
dodging comets 

copyright cosmic 2009 

04 January 2009

3..2..1. happy new yeah!

i just took my content off facebook after reading the terms and conditions more closely. so, this blog may be the main visual diary of my work in '09.

new years eve was an absolute scream!  a good start to what feels like a good year.

ill upload some pictures as i go but if you want to see more now, have a look at my myspace page www.myspace.com/cosmicimages

happy new year!
